Our Mayflower Heritage
Our family can
trace its heritage back to John Alden, William Mullins and Priscilla Mullins of
through the maternal side of the family. This information came to us through
my grandmother, Doris Keeney Bradley, who had told of the connection when I was
a child. This lineage is the main "trunk" of the family tree, from which most
other discoveries surfaced.
Our Royal Heritage
In researching the
connection I came across a connection to Edward I and his ancestry, including
Henry I, II, & III, and William "the Conqueror." This "branch" of the family
tree has been carved out for easier viewing.
My Family Tree
My complete family genealogy file can be accessed here. I recently switched to Legacy 4.0 (an excellent product) from Generations, and am using the occasion to scrub my file thoroughly. This is an ongoing process and will take some time. The goal is to provide valid and relevant citations for all entries. These file are being updated often so be sure to hit the "Refresh" button on your browser when accessing pages that have been recently visited.
I have created an alternate presentation using GED4WEB which has some additional features, particularly the inclusion of graphically pleasing Descendancy pages. However, GED4WEB is currently failing to include some citations so please rely on Legacy above for that.
Interesting Stories
The stories below address some of the events and families that are part of our heritage. Each story below represents a direct lineage. All are reflected in the My Family Tree files. The names will typically take you to specific genealogies.
1621: The "Fortune"
The Fortune was the second ship at Plymouth, arriving in November, 1621. Its passengers included two of our ancestors: Philippe De La Noye, who became Philip Delano (from "Philip Delano of the "Fortune" 1621"), head of the family that includes Franklin Delano Roosevelt among its descendants, and Moses Simmons (from "History of the Simmons Family from Moses Simmons").
1630: The Great Migration
The early 1630s arrivals to America are referred to as the The Great Migration. Robert Abell (from "The Abell Family in America, Robert Abell of Rehoboth, Mass."), (the connection to the Royal lineage) came at the same time as the Winthrop fleet to America in 1630 aboard the Mary & John, as did Richard & John Bidwell, ancestors of Emily Bidwell, wife of Porter Keeney (from "Bidwell Family History 1587-1982" by Joan J. Bidwell). |
1635: An English Minister
Rev. William Wetherell ran into trouble with the Church of England for his Puritan leanings and joined the Great Migration. He sailed with his family in 1635 aboard the Hercules.
1635: Two Early Connecticut Governors
Gov. John Webster was one of the original founders of Hartford, and a governor of the colony in 1656. Divisions within the church caused him, with others, to leave and settle Hadley, MA. His genealogy comes from "History and Genealogy of the Gov. John Webster Family of Connecticut".
Gov. Thomas Welles also arrived in America with his family in 1635 (ship unknown) and served the Connecticut colony extensively including two terms as governor in 1655 and 1658. His story can be found in "The Descendents of Governor Thomas Welles of Connecticut 1590-1658".
1635: Another Early Connecticut Settler
Jacob Waterhouse was one of the founders of Wethersfield and then New London. From "Jacob Waterhouse of Wethersfield and New London, Conn," and "Families of Jacob Waterhouse."
1637: A Persecuted Puritan
Michael Metcalf, son of Rev. Leonard Metcalf, fled England with his family to avoid persecution as a Puritan. He arrived with his family aboard the Rose at Dedham, MA in April, 1637. Material discussing this family comes from a draft of "Descendants of Rev. Leonard Metcalf" by Howard Metcalfe.
1666: The CT Keeneys Surface
As my grandmother Doris Keeney Bradley was the conduit for all of the family genealogy, it is gratifying to finally be able to tie her line back to the early American ancestors. Alexander Keeney was granted land in Wethersfield in 1666/7. He was preceded in America by his father, John (Keeney) Kinne, who came to Salem in 1649, and brother Henry who arrived in America in 1635. John was the son of Sir Thomas Keney of King's Lynn, Norfolk, England, who was knighted in 1618.
I have found a great deal of confusion surrounding the lines of Manchester Keeneys. I have laid out some of the discrepancies for analysis in Manchester, CT Keeney Questions. Notes from D. L. Jacobus found at the Manchester Historical Society are compared to information in the "Keeney Update" to highlight and clarify discrepancies. This work lead to another piece, CT Keeney-Kinney-McKinney Clarifications, which untangles a group of CT McKinneys from the Keeney tree.
I have recently transcribed an 1892 will of Huldah Keeney, daughter of Russel Keeney and Jeruscha Dart. It references many Keeneys who have by this time scattered across the country. I can identify some but not all of the referenced people. Any help would be appreciated.
Articles on more recent Keeneys include Arthur (1849-1921), and Harry (1872-1962).
1776: A Revolutionary War Veteran
Jonathan Waterhouse (great great grandson of Jacob, above) served in multiple units in the war. He fought at the Battle of White Plains, and aboard the CT Navy ship Oliver Cromwell, amongst other assignments. His service history in his own words is provided here in a transcript of his Revolutionary War pension application.
Several interesting historical societies and web-based resources can be found in the dropdown menu below;